. >> i'm tom swartz, i'm the director of the herbert hoover museum in west branch iowa. >> we're hear to talk about the most remark am transitions in american history, the presidential election of 1932 and hoover and roosevelt, their long relationship both prior to and after their presidencies. this was a period of incredible trauma for the united states with the great depression. of course the two of two of the known each other for quite sometime. during world war i, franklin roosevelt was the assistant secretary of navy underwood row wilson. tom, you want to talk about what hoover did during world war i? >> sure. herbert hoover was the head of the u.s. food administration. the food administration had to essentially provide food to the soldiers going to europe, and hoover was able to provide the necessary food by getting americans to voluntarily reduce consumption by 15%. and he did this by appealing to american housewives to sign pledge cards where they would hooverize. hooverize meant every day of the week you gave out a certain essential component. wheat, meat, sugar, fats. and so