the main character of pressfield's latest book is a soldier of fortune named talaman of arcadia livinging character. he's kind of a fass mating character, a little bit of an alter ego. i wanted to write this book to follow his journey and see where he was going. >> reporter: the journey is an expansion of recurring theme in pressfield's work. people engaged in monumental struggles against others and themselves. you wrote for how long before you found success? >> i think it was 28 years i was trying to write, and you know, some friends of mine called me the man who has written more words for less money than anybody on the planet. >> including as an advertising copyrighter. just one part of a dizzying life. pressfield was born in trinidad in 1943 while his father was stationed in the navy. after graduating from duke, he served in the marines before taking jobs as a bartender, teacher, trucker, and fruit picker. 21 jobs overall in 11 state. meanwhile, the writing rejections kept rolling in. was there a low point? >> at one point i was in new york driving a cab, dead broke, living me and m