becoming a ballo badda or the king or chief of the topanga doesn't depend on age but belonging to the clan that rose the land. since lineages maternal it is the women who determine positions of power in the community. the king is responsible for managing natural resources and also decides when seeds are sound where which land is left fallow and what to do in case of a drought. he is supported by a council of elders made up of women and men. nando's para. i am ok up up as nephew and the king of our own go. against o. is from the arar line and is a descendant of. a queen priest asked who's legend merges myth and reality. since august 0 is almost 100 years old his son simone has taken on the task of guarding the queen's venerated tomb. oking kapan parkas shrimper ruled a rango in the early 20th century. a peace loving woman she preferred to pay hefty tribute to the portuguese the news army to wage war against them. to compel everyone in the bunker to hand over a cow gun or to keep it in order to keep the soldiers away by the by after receiving that payment the portuguese no longer wanted