in chemistry so to me jennifer douden was a great sort of hero that many, many other players in thisul people at m.i.t. and harvard who was racing with her to do this tech technology, but she was a wonderful character. her dad left on her bed the double helix she thought it was a detective story. actually, it is a detective story about the secrets of life. she decided she wanted to become a scientist. her school guidance counselor, she grew up in hawaii, said girls don't become a scientist she became the person who was able to understand the structure of rna, especially how it replicates itself, which means the beginning of life on the planet everybody else was thinking dna was the cool molecule and rna was a step cousin or something as we've learned from this coronavirus crisis, it's rna that does the work, the dna sits in the nucleus and cure rates information. rna goes out and does things and builds proteins in our cells or guide enzymes to chop up our genetic code she comes up with this great breakthrough the other reason i chose her is that she had a nightmare after she discover