and here we have a young man whose name is joseph rey. and joseph kept a journal throughout this voyage. so a lot of the drawings you will be seeing came from joseph rey, and he was a 21-year-old nantucket boy hired to go out on the "edward kerrey" and his job is boat steerer and harpooner. so that means when they lower the whale boats from the whaleship, actually pursuing a whale, joseph will be in the bow of the ship. first using an oar to row but when the they approach the whale he will also be the harpooner. the person who's going to harpoon the whale. and joseph joins the rest of the crew, and these are men from really all over. there are men from fall river, buffalo, boston, nantucket, of course, because the captains and mates are most likely from nantucket and also a man from the azores. as edward kerrey sails all over the world they will pick up other sailors along the way. so that will add to the diversity of the crew. the first whaling crews created the first meritocracy in the colonies. any young man who could prove his worth co