gallery. the house of representatives i have congressman were hit ben f jensen of iowa clifford davis of tennessee kenneth roberts of alabama george h. felon of maryland and albert bentley of michigan who was seriously injured. observers noted the attack came as the enter american conference opened in venezuela. and it suggested the motive may have been to arouse anti united states feeling and latin america through an act of apparently blind violence carefully calculated to inflame relations with her neighbors. estimates of the numbers of shots fired range from 15 to 30 and each bullet hole found as a grim reminder to those who were present of the terrible surprise attack. the gang seized by a shark bystanders as they entered their guns was held at police headquarters as a widespread search was launched for others. who shared in the plot to irving forests raphael miranda, mrs. lolita lebron andre cordero the gunwilders and to their accomplices goes the evil distinction of having perpetrated a criminal outrage almost unique in america's history. what and violence that shocked and stirred the nation? weeknights thi