then we'll have chris shutes close us out at the end.i think lot of people are familiar with the water system. for the public, you see three reservoirs on the far right. those are reservoirs owned and operated by the san francisco public utilities commission. then little bit west of there is slightly larger and real world it's quite a bit larger reservoir. it's six times as big. san francisco paid for about half of it in exchange for a water bank. the way the water bank works when san francisco reservoirs are full, they still have more entitlement they can take more water than they can bank it in the water bank. later on if we have a drought, they can take water from hetch hetchy. the water bank is equal to one and a half hetch hetchys. you see perforated line there. everything belong there belongs to the irrigation system. everything in green belongs to san francisco. you see during the recent drought, there were four poor water years. we had an average year in 2016 and a very good year in 2017. in an average year, the sfpuc entitled to