. ♪ >>it> was thene o and done vaincce, but tayod johnson & johnn'sos singleos-de corovinarus shotamsami. reporte ir:t's the vicod ccvaine thatro pmises stngro otectionit wh a ngsile dose, ianmportantoo tl for puicbl alth offiaicls arounthd e rlwod. but tonight e thfda is tlielng everyoneo thold offsi ung the hnson & hnjoson vacce.in a ve srymall numr beof women haveom ce down wh itan extrelyme re bloodlo ct after ttgeing e shot. >> this ais really rera event. yifou look wathat we kw noso far. there ha bveeen 6 ouoft the 856. millionos des, whicish ssle than 1 1in million. >> reporr:te all 6 wenom between 18 and 48 years d.ol eyth got sicsik x to 13 ysda teafr gettinvag ccinated. the cls otformed iven ins of the sinus d anpreventebld ood from draini ongut of thbre ain. one won madied. anotheisr in critical coitndion. ere's novi edence shinowg the ccine caedus the contidion, d to be pesur clear,ou yr chanceofs gettingtr suck by ghlitning arnee arly twi aces ghhi, 1 in 5,00000. with 6at pients that develedop the rera type oflo bod clot t ou 7 milli jonohnson &oh jnson shotgis ven, thii