watched -- i know this is going to sound so cliche, but when i watched "black panther" and you see wa conda so grand, that the what we could be. no, "dreamland," we were that. we have been that in america before. so i wanted to tell the story of the dreamland here in the heartland of america. >> trevor: what i love about that title is exactly what you just said, and i think it's a story that doesn't get told enough, you know. one of the narratives that often gets spun in america about black people is, oh, black people don't want to work hard, black people want handouts, black people, just pull yourselves up, you can get over it, but what this story talks to is a world where black people did exactly that, they overcame all odds, they built an entire place that was theirs, they made it thrive. the title black wall street told it all. tells us about the place not many people talk about and what made it so special. >> when i was pitching the story, a lot of people said black wall street, there was a trading floor? no, it is a metaphor for the financial prosperity that this place called greenwoo