happen in this area, which apparently was devastated by about 95 percent while based on my visit to megan donna, just before the pandemic and murali. my understanding is that on one hand are stricken regulatory and legal issues. for instance, of the houses that destroyed in the heart of morale. we are, you know, there are issues about the ownership because you know, you have a community based occupation coming based residency. there are, and we, when we talk to folks who are refugees and wanted to go back, they wanted to see some clarity on the aspect of the, the legal aspect. you know, who owns what? because, you know, we're talking about people who own certain compounds as a community and in groups. so there's a regulatory and legally should there. but clearly there's also a lack of political commitment on the part of the territory administration. you know, president deterred the promise after the so called liberation of the city after 5 months of pounding to city and in the, in a way to, to defeat the terrorist groups and malice groups. you know, he promised to make morale, we, you know, pit