our next labor hero is dorothy bouldin, organized the national domestic workers union of america in 1968f maids who no longer would be abused by long hours and unfair pay. and it's good that the maid got paid more because do you remember how dirty white people were in 1968? hippies were having orangeys in the mud and coming back in the house without wiping their damn feet. our next activists, hattie kenty, one to have the greatest strike leaders in united states history and a leading figure in las vegas' culinary workers union. that's right. even cooks needed a union. which surprised me because if there's one person you shouldn't mess with, it's the person that's in charge of what you eat. underpaying your cook isn't worth it if he's going to be serving your chicken alpubes. after beinga elected to the union's executive board in 1984, kanty led a 75 day walk out to improve casino workers health insurance. personally, i could have used some of that health insurance on my last trip to vegas. i had a procedure where they removed all my benjamins. ( chuckles ) sorry i lost to house, baby. so