of trip advisor, stephen kaufer, who joins us from newton, massachusetts.ckerson: so, many people remember where they were at the beginning of this pandemic because they had to cancel travel plans. now with vaccinations up, what does the picture look like? >> travel is back. if you look at th u.s., this is going to be a really busy season, we see. half the people in america want to take a summer vacation domestically. and another quarter want to take an international trip. if you think back to a year ago, there were cancellations, and those taking trips were going outdoors. now we have a lot more activity all around the country, and it is not just outdoors. the cities are making very real comeback. >> dickerson: as you look at what people are looking for, are thetdoors, going back into the cities. are you noticing behavior changes from what we would have expected in a pre-pandemic age? >> yes. in fact, we're seeing people interested in taking perhaps longer vacations. 40% of the folks say they're going to be spending more on this vacation. they're going to