one of david archleta's more recent hits. terms with his faith. >> reporter: how would you describe your sexual orientation? >> i would say i do not know, i guess. some form of being bisexual. i am still attracted to both, whether i want to or not. as much as i can. i am starting to accept it and say that is just how it is. >> reporter: singer david archleta is coming out and the 30-year-old says his story is not just about his sexual orientation with how it sits with his faith and church. >> we have been down that road before. and that's over now. >> reporter: archleta grew up an american idol, a teenage star with many girls and a good number of grown women wishing he was theirs with hit songs like "crush." he says he had a difficult break up with a girlfriend recently and realized he might have been running away from his attraction to the same sex his whole life. >> it got to the point where i felt so guilty, i guess. i did not know why i started to get angry. >> reporter: even though you were up front. >> yeah. i am frustr