oh, barry, he got me faced with the obvious impotence of the authorities. sondra manfredi had no choice but to denounce the quarries, illegal practices, putting himself personally at risk in trouble. one day someone loosens my cars, wheels i call to mechanical, and it immediately became clear, it was no accident. he prepared an expert appraisal, and i filed charges for property damage and i need he survived the ordeal, but it could have been fatal. still, he persists, undeterred by fear or threats. on this evening, he is discussing a new campaign. i'm one of the names and all of that. we're planning a tour with my friend out there to order a director and environmental activists in police. quarry is in the middle of a nature reserve. and we wants to protect the local floor of, you know, do money back to my breast, or heading off into the mountains here early in the morning that i know for stock, we'd like to sign and we're taking a back way through the lorazepam. so the workers don't see it when you throw in, but we'll have a good view of what's going on in the quarry from of above me. a