mythological salamander because it was so misshapen and that was called the gerrymander after jerry eldridge. that is where this comes from. there's this idea that gerrymandered districts always have to be looking nuts and have various parts. that is sometimes true, but you could also have a district that does looked compact. it's a complex issue, and i think one reason we have seen such extreme gerrymandering in the last round is the level of text we have for mapping. mapping has become very high-tech. you can put terabytes of data into an algorithm and get very refined mapping data. i heard one expert describe it as a used to be a dark arts, gerrymandering used to be a dark arts and now it is a dark science. it is a double edge sword because the flip is that mathematicians are also now developing ways to test, actually mathematically test if a district is gerrymandered. they use a model called computational mathematics, very specific. my math is not good enough to really fully explain it, but basically, they are comparing the current map to every map that could be possible statistically an