if you stimulate the neira and you can make an animal that is stated in the longer drinking water to then start water again very vigorously. that's pretty interesting by itself. that shows which are the thurston are owned and the cells that connect to and they'll this neuroscience. we know it's a very interesting thing in its root like that in the paper that we published. when you just stimulate the thirst neurons and we record to see what the rest of the brain is doing almost all parts of the brain you could tell his it looks like this was an animal that had been thirsty for gotten a lot of water and was no longer thursday and no water -- no longer drinking the water and the animal was behaving as if it were thursday -- thirsty but all the other neurons looked like they were in the thirst mode and clearly most of the brain was showing this. some parts were not completely fooled. there were some areas in the higher cortical areas in the cortex and an area in the prefrontal cortex that clearly were affected but if you look at them it wasn't quite the thirst state. it was something els