daily show, my guest tonight say lawyer, activist and writer derecka purnell. to the show. >> thank you so much for having me. >> you have written a book that is sure to get you a ton of praise and then i mean death threats and criticisms from the high heaven because i will be like, i have learned this personally, if you even suggest a criticism of the police especially in america, you are seen as somebody who hates all police, you are seen as somebody loves crime, seen as somebody without just doesn't believe as a function of society. but when you go abolish the police, i mean how-- let's start with that. how do you even begin a conversation around like abolishing the police without having people believe that we're going to be living in like a mad max dystopian future. >> well, it depends on who i am talking to, right. so there are people who i organize with or communities where i live, an when i talk about police abolition the first question is what about the murders, what about the rapists, will i be safe. i'm usually in conversation with people who are most