some people say isbell. >> country. >> trevor: you say isbell. >> i say is-bull, even in texas therehow i proflowns it. >> trevor: but is-bull. >> i yeah. >> trevor: i said isbell before and you didn't correct me. >> i don't correct people, myself because it's like get creative with it, it doesn't bother me, letterman never said it right, i was on his show so many times, never said it right, he told him what it was. >> trevor: but in everyone's defense it is isbell. >> it looks like is-bell trk really does. >> trevor: how did it become is-bull. >> probably because we're from alabama and sometimes we mispronounce some things. i mean the town where i grew up, the closest city was muscle shoals and they spelled it like muscle even though they meant it like a mussel, and it is in north alabama so it is nowhere near the coast so everybody is always, okay, okay. >> trevor: that makes-- so covers album, isbull, bell. >> yes. >> trevor: getting to know each other, this is good. >> we are. >> trevor: you were one of the first artists who came out and put pressure on not just the fans but the