. - being a delivery boy for the "south park gazette" is a noble privilege. - i'm sorry, mr.! get used to it! you aren't delivering the papers on time! - my bike had a busted pedal, but i got it fixed, so there won't be a problem anymore. - is that your bike out there? - yeah, why? - 'cause it's being towed. - what? hey, hey! what are you doing? - this your bike? - yes! - it's on the impound list. you owe the county for tickets. - [tow truck whirs] - no, dude, i need my bike to do my job! - yeah, well, my job is to tow this bike. you want it back? you talk to the county. - no, no. do not tow my bike! stop, asshole! nngh! ow! ah! ow! - [knock on door] - yes? come in. - hi, my name is stan marsh. i was told to come down here and try to-- - yes! come in, mr. marsh. i've been told all about your case. impounded bicycle; $83 owed to the county. maybe you should get a job. - i got a job, but without my bike to do my paper route, i can't make the money! see?