can i have money to buy chinpokomon? - what's a chinpokomon? just got money to buy your cyborg bill doll. - yeah, but cyborg bill is totally gay now. please, mom. everybody else has chinpokomon. - well, kyle, that's not a reason to buy something. - yeah, kyle. don't. - you see, son, fads come and go. and this chinpokomon is obviously nothing more than a fad. you don't have to be a part of it. in fact, you can even make an even stronger statement by saying to your peers, "i'm not going to be a part of this fad, because i'm an individual." do you understand? - yes. yes, i do, dad. now, let me tell you how it works in the real world. in the real world, i can either get a chinpokomon, or i can be the only kid without one, which singles me out and causes the other kids to make fun of me and kick my ass. - hm. good point. here's $10. -thanks. - wait. here's 20. get one for your brother too. - [babbling] - there you go, son. i honestly don't know what you see in these things. - neither do i. - guess i'll call it a night. - chinpoko. buy me. buy me. wh