but you whether you had to deal with harry belafonte, your city points here, that must have taken quite a bit in the past for both of you. >> it was a challenge, especially in the fifties and sixties, there are million pictures off a person's face from different angles. sometimes you only had two angles with which to work and you have to use your imagination. so that digital art was helpful for me because i could get the face right and as soon as i got tracing paper, i could finish it out, add more lines. >> anthony, when you read the book, what how much was the information you to you, how much did you actually learn? where you defied by any of it or will you familiar with mrs. stories? >> i would say i learned a lot, but there was a few of the stories that were kind of familiar with it actually enhanced the stories more. what being a kid, you would hear the stories, you would hear different stories were on different things when -- i'm sorry, events, and usually would be because it was another story that brought that story about. one of the stories that why would like to tell is, my son