and i am very happy to welcome live on to the program, the hungarian foreign minister peter c. r to himself, to speak on a number of issues. it's a pleasure to have you sir. winter is coming. it's supposed to be a particularly better one. is hungry. ready? yeah, absolutely. we have made our homework. i see some mistakes which have been committed on the european side. you know, we, we never like confusing energy with the political issues. and unfortunately, that has been the case in, in europe. unfortunately, the russia relationship has not improved. there is a very strong anti gas sentiment in some circles in european politics. and there were some very short sighted decisions made. so to the contrary to that, hungary has made its homework. the level of filling this of our storage is our, at the 82 percent. other countries could have made similar kind of decisions. we have been implementing regulatory frame versus reach, do not allow the price for the households to be increased regardless of the changes on the, on the global market. we have been investing in nuclear power, which c