translated from arabic, the chosen tagline literally meant the opinion and the other opinion. hottest anna wilkerson, the shower, she ordered. napoleon, middle rocky, will she are all her back to it? can i'm missing wrath cooler. many yell, shaving hello. i didn't oper she badly. she are. all right, you are right. you love ha, foul quote. all right, and leave me a, a back grow little dear bab, your man helene, about little fear festival. are you what by ella? what a, what catch and your core? no. right, you were right. ya suburban? she, i love what i mr. mer loud, i'll be, will share, he did robert be the let it was here. it would be rule not robs telephone or the national talk about our study. so what is your wife and her mom and i got the bas malloy, albia, and destiny. the animal here muscular in that scene, fetterhoff my hoss up. if i thought the little boy left, if i to let the bus out. and jerry and the counselor had, is there a kind of 2000 and i'm, but we're just about how the shape or temple a smile did yet i must learn a little cut them by enemy on a savannah me yet. but i, after 5 months