taylor and annette ryan at c of a mac majority. welcome back to save us. thanks. got a great you. well, i'm going to start with you ned. considering everything going on, in fact, are actually seeing some locked downs. higher numbers of cro virus over in europe today. is now the time to be opening our borders to the world. no, of course not, scotty. i mean, it's a logical either. this is a, a pandemic or it's not. and on one side, the by the administration is going full speed ahead with their vaccine mandates, even though the course of block that this afternoon they said we are still going to be pushing this. they're talking about tra coney and fines for businesses that don't comply. and on the other hand, they're opening their borders to let's face it. hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants who we know are not vaccinated. and then on top of that, all of this insult to injury with the illegals, coming over that are not vaccinate as they're pushing the, all of these mandates. we're talking about still paying them who have come here illegally. i mean, this is so insulting on so