in oklahoma tonit,gh for the rst timen i 22 years,om se lireef for juliu fs'riends a nd falymi who say julius, justice is still a work in >> we keepre pssing forward and ghfiting. it's still not over. you know, it's the beginning. >> to eryvebody that is liensting, tha ynkou. ur voiceat mtered. >>ur o thanks to juju. >>> up next,he t school in miissssippi badly in need of lphe for itsru cmbled ♪ ♪why do y bouuild me up (build me up)♪ butter... cup... baby... up wou blde the operative word the preal. , ohyeah, ye.ah sorry, he ava good d!ay yifou ride,ou yet g it. - come oinn ! oh wowwe, 're real blyacked up geo icmotorcycle. fiftn eeminutes could sa ve you fieeftn percenort more. geo icmotorcycle. i don't just plasoy meone br ainy on -tv i'm aanctual ne uroscienstti. and i lo tvehe scien cebehind neuri pvalus. unkeli ordinarmey mory ppsulemes,nt neura ivplus fue slsix key diincators obrf ain perfmaornce. more bra pinerformance? s,ye please! ne uriva. tnkhi bigger. we do it every nhtig. every lii ve alonebu, t i stildol it every ghnit. right teafr dinner.