here is the foundational plan for ohio state university in columbus, ohio, with recent photos of itst great oval, working across the country, often with limited consulting contracts, john charles and the firm at times relied upon a simple formula for the general layout of some of these agricultural campuses promulgated by the morrell act and lincoln's first administration that fritz is going to tell us a lot about. here are what today seem the familiar central tree-lined oval accompanying an academic and administrative buildings with agricultural, scientific, athletic, and local armory set behind or flagged off in different direction from that central organizing space along service drives. at osu, out on the prairie, an unrestrained expansiveness, boosterism, led to what must have been the largest of all american collegiate spaces. across the west, as universities spraining up, the olmsted office was called upon time and time again for assistance. for a period lasting until his death in 1920, it was on john charles who went out west to work with them. here in fort collins are the sub