huki, huki, huki, hukilau ♪ women: ♪ everybody loves the hukilau ♪ all: ♪ where the laulau is the kaukauhuki, huki, hukilau ♪ ♪ luki-luki-lau ♪ - yeah! - ow! [laughter] - great luau, satan. - thanks. see you, gary. thanks for coming. oh, bye, marcia. - satan, a few of us are gonna go pound some brews. you want to join us? - oh, i'd love to, mr. matthau, but i can't. chris and i just moved to the west side, and we have to unpack. - oh, well. maybe next time. great luau. - bye. [blood-curdling scream] [humming] chris? - yeah? - did you, uh, see my boy-with-an-umbrella hummel? - no, but there's still some boxes coming from the movers. - oh, okay. thanks. [doorbell rings] oh, that must be them now. just put the boxes by the-- - hello, satan. - saddam. - did you miss me, buttercup? - no, it can't be. you're dead. i killed you. - yeah, you killed me. so? where was i gonna go, detroit? - oh, no. oh, god, no. - a place of everlasting agony and pain, hell awaits all sinners and all who do not accept christ. children in this town have not been attending sunday school after mass, and adults have no