i also really like someone named tara brock.e's a meditation teacher sort of in the buddhist strain i would say. renÉ brown, anything by brendan a brown is really helpful but i would kind of think like who die want to be and who are some the people who model that and then try to read as much as you can about how they're able to do that. because there are models out there of people who have faced down really horrific things and have not become bitter or hateful or any of those things. so yeah, but i would, you know, mlk just all the way. >> yeah, yeah. no, this has been a really awesome discussion. i obviously have more questions but the good thing about you for me and for other people viewing is that you're still accessible via social media. this is something you're going to be talking about for quite some time because as we know we are heading into midterm season. today is election day, and so we will find ourselves needing very much, so many of the tips you have given us so far. i really want to thank you for writing about thi