. >> little spit on your space from your bratter.ter pinned me down and drink orange juice and do the spit down to the face and yo-yo it back up. >> trevor: what? >> i didn't realize my brother was just presenting me with scripture at the time. you didn't do that? >> trevor: no. >> maybe it's just my brother. >> trevor: did you know he was doing this when he was drinking the juice? did you know it was coming? >> sometimes. that's what was tricky. half the time he was just having orange juice. the rest of the time he was getting ready to kick the shit out of me. >> trevor: that's trauma, costa. >> yeah. he's probably watching. and i'm on to you, dude. i guess you won because here i am crying on tv about it. >> trevor: we're going to talk about this on the break. >> yeah, please. >> trevor: we're going to fix this. all right, when we come back, we'll tell you why you're wearing the wrong mask, how to get the right mask and why that mask is also wrong. stay tuned. you see, your brother can't -- >> yeah. i was just trying to keep reading