christopher reeve!- well, because he got crippled, but now he can move his finger. he's an inspiration to us all. that's why everyone ditched on your show. - so then how come you came? - well, because i said i would. aw, i'm a dork, huh? - and so without further ado, here is the most courageous, most amazing man on the planet: christopher reeve. [cheers and applause] - thank you, thank you, wow, what a great audience. i just flew into south park. used to be i didn't need an airplane. all: awww! - as most of you know... i am a strong supporter of stem-cell research. - say, fellas, thanks a lot for going to my c-comedy show! - we didn't go to your comedy show. - i know that! i was being fac--fac--facetious! - well, dude, christopher reeve, dude. - ooh, christopher reeve! whoop-dee-freakin'-doo! - dude, that's not cool. you shouldn't make fun of christopher reeve. - yeah, dude, not cool. - though it is controversial... stem-cell research is critical... in the quest for helping... the disabled. - i put toge