so to give the day the honor it deserves, we sent jordan klepper down to the capitol for a january 7than klepper fingers the pulse >> it's been just over a year since the attack on the u.s. capitol. so last week i went back to washington d.c. but now i'm ready for anything. >> this time i'm prepared. contact number, in case i get thrown in jail. >> money belt in case i need to bribe an oath keeper when they take over the city. if that doesn't go down, i got pot belly's money when i leave out of union station. >> but unlike last year today there was a piece-- a peace, a quiet, a calm that almost suggested perhaps our country is healing from the events of that day. and then we found this guy screaming at cnn's john king broadcasting from a balcony. >> [bleep] you, you [bleep] fake news bull shit, yo, bunch of garbage. >> i was trying to get across to people in the world, watch cnn, watch fox news, chris tucker, hannity. >> you watch countries tucker. >> yeah, i watch all of you guys. >> money talks. >> yeah. >> rush hour. >> i say bleep bleep joe biden, i respect our president. >> it is