and rick glassman. this is "the daily show" with trevor noah. >> trevor: hey, what's going on, everybody, well om to "the daily show," i'm trevor noah and joining me for today's headlines is our very own ronnie cheeng, what is going on, how are you doing. >> hey, trevor, good to see you again, i am okay but i got covid like five weeks ago. >> trevor: wow. >> yeah, it was, it it was intense. it felt really sick, i'm glad i recovered but i think i may have some lingering headaches, brain fog and the worst part about covid is afterwards i look at machine gun kelly and megan fox news and i just feel nothing. >> trevor: like you've lost. >> yeah, just lost complete interest. i would be scrolling, see them biting each other's tongues it or something and i will be like, i don't care about this, you know, i hope in a few months, this goes away and i once again can enjoy megan kelly, machine gun fox news. >> trevor: tu see, that's part of the thing that is happening to you now, you are even mixing up. >> oh, did