a judge awarded the singer more than a million dollars after cardi sued blogger tasha k for spreading. reporting that the court found the youtubeer libel on three separate counts. at issue was tasha k saying cardi b once worked as a pros substitute, did drugs and contracted infections. >> trevor: sue them! beam got to know spreading lies about cardi b is not okay! i'll show myself out. or at the very least, if you're going to lie, be smart about it. if you're going to talk shit about people, don't print them as allegations, that's libel. you should add a beat, now it's a disk track. winning a beef with a blogger isn't what it sounds like. what will they do, garnish her wages for the next 700 years? even though cardi b is declared the winner, pete is the real winner. he said the same shit about cardi b but nobody reads his blog so he didn't get sued. time for the final beef! we've got the guitar god, the dude responsible for mottest licks and racist rants of all time eric clapton! he's throwing down once again with long-time rival reality! >> singer eric clapton continuing parade of an