- foofa?, come on, and pound my strange ♪ ♪ pound it like this, pound it like that ♪ - it was a mistake. - what? - trying to reform canada's health care system and being too stubborn to admit it wasn't working... even when my wife said the system was too complicated. i wouldn't listen! - oh, terry, i was just trying to get your attention. i'm sorry i queefed in your face. - i deserved it. anyone who thinks streamlining health care into an integrated computer system would go smoothly deserves a giant queef in their face. thank you, my lady. - so intellilink is gone, my lord? - yes, i've upgraded to the gold package. within no time, canadians everywhere will be getting their correct medications and going back to normal. [baby laughing] - ike? - kyle. it's dora the explorer! - come on, let's climb the mountain. - it sure is! you want me to watch it with you, ike? - yay. - we made it all the way to the top. - oh, man, i wouldn't mind hitting that. i bet she's got that hot puerto rican strange. - y