jeremy benn finn is another example. and although it's the foundation of economics for some purposes of like designing highway off ramp. you need costs and benefits. it's not the whole of ethics. it's not even the whole of ethics in the economy. as we all know, for an office a small part of an organization to work well, the people have to minimally respect each other and we hope actually love each other. if your office is a war of arrogance to all, which is, so to speak, the premise of economics, you know, all that matters is maximizing utility, if that's what you think all your colleagues are doing, it's not going to work well. they have to have a sense of professionalism and love, self respect and respect for you. so it's clear that from the economy to work, it's got to have available to it, all the ethical resources of the culture, human culture. >> you said earlier that adam smith's followers have narrowed his vision. what did you mean by that? >> well, adam smith practiced humanomics. his most famous book before his