i'd like to call on megan wallace. >> actually, president lopez, i'm going to lead off, and then, weill have a team, including our c.f.o., megan wallace, and annemarie gordon, our director of budget services. but i'll provide a little bit of an introduction, and tonight, this presentation is going to include some information that was presented last time. so if we can go to the next slide. when the board passed the budgeting plan on december 17, and a few weeks ago, on january 10, the governor released his budget for the upcoming fiscal year, which is usually the budget development process, we had anticipated a number of improvements, and we're happy to see there has been significant improvement in the budget forecast in terms of our revenues. but back then, when the balancing plan, there were a number of commitments made, and i will outline those in the next slide. but we also identified options for funding restorations. tonight, we're going to share some information about all of that and also report on progress and developing our weighted student formula allocations, our multitiered