will of the voters, but i think it also really serves his own policy of trying to dismantle the death naltyn california, which he can't do. the voters have to do that, but ina sense, it's not really happening. even though we have not had an execution in , you know, 16 years, more than 100 inmates on death row have died during that period of time, mostly from natural causes, including covid- 19. there been a few suicides and violent deaths as well. >> the few remaining, they're going to the seven maximum- security prisons and other places in california. >> and it still a pretty big number. there are hundreds of men there. a small number of women in a separate facility, obviously. i do think that people are split on the death penalty, and support for it has been going down. i think the concern which i don't think is found it is that some of these men who have been sentenced to death will ultimately get out of prison, and i think that is not what we're talking about here. if anything, they will die in prison, but it just won't be from execution. >> you went to a much more conservative part of