alicia cabrera and i will read the whole thing but i'll just get to the chase of the situation.he sanctions that were given to the city and county of san francisco on the case stemmed from the department not providing information both to the city attorney andultimately to the court . there were some issues in short of whether this information would be privileged due to confidential nature of compromising an ongoing criminalinvestigation . the bottom line is those of you that have seen the judges section, that was not the case. it is not privileged information and as a result, the department was sanctioned. part of last week's discussions stemmed from not only the section itself also when i kne , what time i do and how much i knew that's explained in this memo as i said last week. the timing on it as far as my notification was about two and half hours before the full commissionmeeting . i didn'thave a lot of information . i did have more information now and i'm happy to answer questions but i would like to allow the city attorney to also speak. we've been working with the city at