and joining me for today's headlines is the one and only desi lydic. what's going on, desi, how are you doing? >> hey, i'm great, i'm great. happy international women's day. >> trevor: right? >> right. >> trevor: i mean, yesterday? >> yeah, yeah. technically it was a couple of days ago, but i like to celebrate it the way i celebrate my birthday-- all week long. >> trevor: i like that. >> yeah. >> trevor: and you know what, you deserve it? >> thank you. >> trevor: as long as you want to celebrate it for. >> thank you. i'm going to ride it out. >> trevor: your birthday is only on one day. that's different. >> fur, but i celebrate for the entire week, top to bottom. >> trevor: okay. >> you'll see in june. >> trevor: i hope not, but, yeah. >> oh, yeah. happy birthday. >> thank you. >> trevor: all right, let's jump right into today's headlines. we kick things off with the russian invasion of ukraine, or as prince william calls it, "the brown thing happening to white people" war. today, russia and ukraine held their first high-level peace talks, but these ple