development of glonass around the orbit of its distribution science of the moon aleksey olegovich andreev junior researcherch laboratory of space navigation and planetary research assistant department of astronomy and space geodesy , kazan federal university well, look at the car, well, they don’t drive yet, so who will need your invention. well, first of all , the developments that we are implementing, they will be useful in order to understand, and also to evaluate in real time where and at what speed it will be possible to carry out the refraction of all the developments that we will carry out, and to increase the landing accuracy in planned coordinates to several hundred meters and in height up to several tens of meters wow alexey andreev invited masha to a tour of the planetarium of the kazan federal university, this is so far the only university planetarium in the country. alexey tell me , there are a lot of minerals in space, such asteroids that are rich in useful resources. uh, gold platinum. uh, iron nickel and other those, uh resources that have a certain value on earth. there is such a rather la