pav for such a sink is also suitable alexander vostrukhina mikhail tchetiorikov. first channel. have a day of household cleaning work, but alas, for many, the mere thought of home experiments causes despondency. and by the way, experts say that usually household chores can pull us out of the vicious circle of work, shop at home and raise vitality, the main thing here are two points: firstly, to start, and secondly, to approach the matter creatively. we spend an average of 4 hours a week cleaning the house and all sorts of household chores, and no matter how lazy it was at the start in the final. well , admit it, it becomes somehow very good. one of the most enjoyable activities is sorting. it doesn't matter what t-shirts of clean linen, books, screwdrivers. here you are the creator, they wanted to sort it out by color, they wanted it for their intended purpose in containers or without piles. or rolls your shelves your rules, psychologists, of course, will say, external sorting allows you to streamline internal throwing calms, in other words, but it's not just about sorting dust