congressional hearings, david foster is going to speak on behalf, i am reeling in the big guns, peter franson said he will come because there are a lot of people, not the rich ones you think are in the music business, but most of the people who are the backup singers, musicians, they can be in a part of a song like uptown funk which is the most played song in music history. they will not get a dime beyond the recording session. it leaves the middle-class people, they have bills to pay. they have kids to put through school. they are being exploited and we are here to close up that loophole. [applause] >> in the last few years sag-aftra has expanded to include content creators, how do you balance the membership between traditional actors and online creators? fran: it is not about balance. it is about addressing everybody's needs. without that group, once the merge happened between the companies we have a broad and diverse group of members from broadcasters to background players to singers to dancers to commercial actors to stunt people, it is a big union of a lot of different people. it is not