host: deb babbitt is our guest --jed babbit is our guest. were independents and others, (202) 748-8002. 12 briefly look -- i want to briefly look at the democrat's budget -- a total of 773 billion -- nearly 41 perceived power including nine additional adults for ships and 12.6 billion to modernize the army, marine, fighting vehicles. your general sense of the biden administration 2023 proposal. guest: it is a question of what they are doing with the money and when you see that the navy is retiring 24 ships this coming gear and replacing it with nine, you have to wonder because the fleet that the navy says -- they need a 500 vessel fleet to be able to oppose china. we are down to 280 within the next five years. that does not add up. the air force association is older in terms of the aircraft. it is weaker and less ready to fight then the air force ever has been in its history. the question of military integrity and military capability involves two things and two things only. -- and the readiness of the force and we have the -- wrong things be