katelynn worked really hard on crunching data with me to propose a change to our sound permit. so previously it has been almost in line with the cost of entertainment oufr, we're potentially and much more accessible for folks to obtain: i think it was like $700. we are moving into building efficiencies into our program. looking at how we can respond to complaints in a streamline manner and collect our data and be able to look at that data. so a few things we have coming down the pike right now, you may have remembered the name on base. this is the system that we use to put all of our paper permit files, scan them into a system that are now backlogged for all of us to look at on our computers. this makes it feasible for our inspectors to look at permit devices and we're looking at the 311 app to be able to log inspection data real time in the field. that's going to be real big improvements to our reporting and how we're able to collect and share that data with you all. and finally, our biggest transition we're preparing right now is we start looking toward our timeline of transi