jean-claude khali piece that didn't have ralph steadman's illustrations, and it's not usually regarded as an example of gonzo journalism, but once you put stedmanand thompson together you know so thompson thought he had failed. but then everybody was saying this was a big breakthrough in journalism. and you know, he described that feeling as falling down an elevator shaft and landing in a pool full of mermaids. you know, the thing that he thought was a failure turned out to be a huge success. and he immediately went back to warren and said this is it. it's going to be the thompson stedman report. we're going to go around, you know to america's cup and the super bowl and the masters tournament and the mardi gras. and you know, this is going to be a franchise and we're going to turn and we're going to take those stories and and put them into book form. so he really thought he had something that the only problem was that scanlons. was already going under and there would never be you know, i think i think they published their last issue in january of 1971. and then, you know, unfortunately because you know, i think warren deserves a lot of credit f