but rosamond, kizzie, deborah thinks that more is needed. laws are what really matter and children's rights, definitely much matter. and it is their rights to breathe clear there and all god may should make that. i don't care how hard it is by the way. i really don't care how hard it is. they can achieve that. ah rosamond cassie deborah knows dr. air pollution can be deadly. she will continue to fight on the name of her daughter so long as her other children whose lives are at risk because of poor air quality. particulate matter is one of the mean causes of air pollution in cities. it's present in vehicle exhaust and generated by brick and tile where it's a problem that so far hasn't been sol by e cause, but engineers ingested and germany have found a way to tackle stopping go morning traffic in the eastern germans city of dresden. every breaking maneuver wears away a vehicles brake pads and disk that produces harmful emissions of particulate matter. the brakes of cars, buses, and trucks generate a 3rd of all particulate matter pollution in cities. it's a world wide problem that rema