not aligned with these cookie theories and rather than accept defeat this flat earth leader wilbur glen volva said, no. no, there's been a mistake. there's been fraud in this election people have been importing votes from outside the city limits. he said he was gonna hire a lawyers who would expose the fraud and it turned into this wild scene where they had two competing police chiefs who won built a barricade in the jail and said he wouldn't come out the other was threatening to storm it. they had supporters and either side ready to war against each other and i wish i could say that there was a very peaceful long-term resolution. but the reality was that even though the courts decided in favor of the real winner the non-flat earth faction. the flat earthers took power after they didn't stay defeated very long and zion remained a flat earth town for a couple more decades. if someone were to go to zion today, is there a flat earth museum or anything? is this history part of what's told there or is it sort of swept under the rug not talked about much? um, it's a mix they do have a lot of histor