you will return to michael's service if you complete your new mission to deliver conrad wilsheen to ann cruiser. i repeat, you, too, will write off all the sins. michael the task is clear do you accept the offer? for yourself, go turn off the installation. looks like we have some time. god it's when he knocks out his contraption. well , let's not pull, turn off turn off will not go anywhere. so , where are you going? doctor duck, take it, you can't walk. and you don't have to fill it up. i'm here longing and i'll die. guys. without me, they are fighting, they will fight nothing. what kind of soldier do you have now, the world was recently returned, rest. i'll be more useful in ktz than here. yes, i’ll agree without bagheera bagheera flew off to zelenomorsk, sent to the authorities. and then i 'll run away. thank you . i'll be in command of the operation. admiral prokhorov reported to me about your powers. it's strange, he rose to the rank of admiral and they send him to command the operation. let's move from words to deeds. please report the situation. the target is in the cemetery are