in south africa, the decoalonize campaign is just what it sounds like. the coal barons are the colonizers of today, and fighting them engages us with our sister struggles to decolonize culture and defeat white supremacy. in brazil, 400 municipal fracking bans have been passed by an unlikely alliance of mayors, indigenous peoples, and the catholic church. these are just three of many, many stories about change taking place around the world. there is an unfolding taking place amidst the deep pain of the trump era. we can all feel it. it leaves a space for the old way to be challenged, and some of that old way lives on in the climate movement. but to be a bioneer is to be for abundance, to be for a celebration of life, of creation, and of each other. in that spirit, i would like to end by making a request of all of you. we want to be continually willing to do things differently, we want to stop the worst effects of climate change, we want to see every fossil fuel project on earth stopped, and the just transition take hold. we want the social license of the