lose, but international community will lose in terms of being able to influence her support the libby entrance, whatever form it takes. -- the libyan transition, whatever forms it takes. hashem: the tripoli based government has always been skeptical of any attempt by the tobruk based parliament to move forward. they say they are being manipulated to orchestrate a coup to undermine the people in the west. mustafa: i do not relate expect much politically speaking from him at the moment. everybody is likely to wait for their position until after mid june as the roadmap brokered last year comes to an end, which meets the government of mr. dbeibah will also come to an end. that is the big question. what will happen then? what has been happening in libya since 2011, since the foreign military defection, the lack of contingency plans, by which i mean if your plan a fails, do you have plan b and how to implement that plan? that has not happened because what happened in 2011 was libyans were promised democracy and economic growth. the following day, muammar gaddafi and his government are gone. there wa